Home Sweet Home

Some years ago now, a co-worker mentioned Sweet Home 3D, at which point I proceeded to download and map out every inch of my house. It has actually proven itself invaluable for a number of what-if scenarios, including the purchase of a larger desk in our home office as well as other projects which involved rearranging items from one room to the next.

Azure Experiment

As an experiment, I took advantage of a recent Microsoft offer for a free trial to run my website via Azure cloud services. At first glance, this appeared to be a good deal and could bring my hosting costs literally to nothing. The reality of this, however, was much different.

Annual 2017 Predictions

At the top of my 2016 predictions was the concern over digital trust, can consumers trust digital systems with their information? It’s hard to say if this year was a tipping point or not, there were quite a few scandals but the primary events that could fuel this disturbance was the San Bernardino iPhone crack and the purported DNC hack that may have been perpetrated by foreign actors. If there is any truth to the latter, the repercussions could be monumental; however, this remains to be proven.
