Making jEdit OS X Friendly

As a developer, one of the tools that makes me more productive is a good text editor. While IDE environments are replete with a wide assortment of powerful editing tools, they often miss the mark on macro customization, binary (hex) viewers and the ability to edit large text files. More recently, my favorite IDE has been reminding me that text files outside my current project are being edited – which is an extreme nuisance. Fortunately, jEdit provides a wealth of text editing capability coupled with a competent BeanShell macro language.

Remotely Managing CrashPlan

If you are running the CrashPlan backup service, while it does support cross-platform deployment it is tricky to configure when the UI is not running on the system you are configuring. Since upgrading to version 4.7, my original script for switching hosts had to get updated from reading to using the new format .ui_info. Since this works pretty seamlessly for me on multiple hosts, I figured it was worth sharing here.