Using Mac Notification Center to Monitor Printer Supply Levels

It looks like the transition to HP for Samsung printers is complete. On a recent visit to the Samsung Printer Support page, every request was redirected to HP Technical Support. My visit was intended to update the Samsung software which had stopped working after upgrading to High Sierra. Instead I found myself pondering how to write my own application to monitor printer supply levels.

Upgrading to PHP 7

PHP has provided a simple yet capable web scripting language for as long as I can remember. In the last few years, it has matured from a home-brew scripting language to one with a formal specification. Part of this process included the adoption of PHP 7 where there are a number of critical changes to consider before migrating your PHP 5 applications.

Remotely Managing CrashPlan

If you are running the CrashPlan backup service, while it does support cross-platform deployment it is tricky to configure when the UI is not running on the system you are configuring. Since upgrading to version 4.7, my original script for switching hosts had to get updated from reading to using the new format .ui_info. Since this works pretty seamlessly for me on multiple hosts, I figured it was worth sharing here.